What Are the Benefits of Archery?

Though archery is often perceived as a stationary sport, competitive archers actually require a significant amount of strength, endurance and focus to perform well. If you aren't familiar with the demands of the sport then you may be surprised to learn that there are several health benefits to participating in archery. In addition to physical benefits, archery can improve your mental health as well.

Upper Body Strength

Drawing a bowstring places stress on the muscles of both arms as well as the chest, shoulders and back. Similar to lifting weights, this stress is typically maintained for several seconds before the archer releases the string to fire an arrow. With repetition, the stress of drawing and firing a bow leads to muscle development in most of the major muscle groups of the upper body. The specific amount of development depends on both the draw strength of the bow and the amount of time that you spend practicing and competing.


Balance is vital to success in archery as you have to be able to hold your body still while aiming and making a shot. Practicing archery helps you to gain control over your balance as you focus on trying to hit the center of the targets you shoot at. The more you practice, the more your core muscles will become accustomed to balancing your body and keeping you steady as you aim and fire your arrow.


Hand-eye coordination is an essential skill for archery. Archery trains your hands to work together while performing different tasks, aiming and firing your arrow based on input from your eyes. The more you practice, the better your coordination will become. This increase in coordination will result in the better aiming of your bow and will help you in other sports and activities that use the hands as well.


During a competition, archers can walk as much as 5 miles while performing common tasks at the archery range and moving from one position to another. Though much of this walking is in short intervals, the cumulative effect of walking throughout a competition can improve cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and leg strength. You will gain some of these benefits even during practice as you'll spend a significant amount of time walking to retrieve fired arrows and returning to the line.


Archery is a physically demanding sport and the demands of archery are often underestimated by those who don't participate. Consult your doctor or a personal trainer before taking up archery to make sure that you are in good enough shape to participate safely and to check for medical conditions that may cause problems when drawing a bow and firing an arrow.

Hand and finger flexibility

Finger and hand strength increase in archery. They also become more flexible because they are fully in use while aiming at the target.

Strength building 

The arms, core, hands, chest, and shoulders are all used when practicing a proper draw. Similar to lifting weights, the tension on these muscle groups is typically maintained for several seconds before the archer releases the string to fire an arrow. With repetition, the act of drawing and firing a bow leads to muscle development in most of the major muscle groups of the upper body.

Increased patience 

Most people can use a lesson in patience, and archery helps with that. This is a sport that requires patience because it is not about speed but about precision – and precision can take time.

Increased focus 

Archers need to tune out all distractions, focus on their form, and release the bowstring consistently. The concentration practiced during archery can help with coping in high-pressure situations, and in day-to-day life as well.

Improves confidence

In archery, competition can be against others or against oneself. Because of this, results are measurable and improvement in one’s form and technique results in a boost in self-esteem and self-confidence.

Is a social sport

People of any age and from many walks of life enjoy archery. Almost every age group can participate, competitors from the age of 6 all the way into their 80s are shooting. It also teaches the benefits of teamwork in some cases with some competitions involving groups of people.

Is a form of exercise

At competition level, archers walk the equivalent of five miles (8km), carrying heavy loads during a day’s event. In addition, Prevention magazine says drawing bow burns about 140 calories per half-hour, the same as walking at a brisk, 3.5-mph pace. We wrote about the health benefits of walking here.


Releasing an arrow, watching it fly, and having it hit a target can relieve stress. The act of focusing while building strength and confidence is overall a satisfying and relaxing experience.

Open to all

Archery can be done by both able-bodied and disabled people. People with the most severe disabilities and even the blind, use special tactile equipment and are able to join in – making this a great family sport!
