Which is better - Vedic Maths or Abacus?

Comparision of Abacus and Vedic Math for learning fast and accurate mind math is not at all possible, I really doubt intentions of those trying to conclude an answer by comparing.

Both are independent techniques to train one’s brain to perform mental math.

Abacus is a technique of numerals of beads to be visualized in the brain to maneuver it in a pattern of its methods to finally read and answer mentally.

    Vedic Math is a technique of methods with conventional numerals dealt in a pattern to solve for a problem with choices of methods on priority to conclude results mentally.

Generally, Abacus is suggested for kids of age 4 onward till 13/14 as its learning is independent of any conventional math training of schools whereas Vedic Math is suggested for kids of higher age group as it needs some understanding basic rules of conventional math system trained in regular schools.

Both are best for learning fast and accurate mind math if chosen at right age and time.
Is Abacus easy or Vedic Maths? Children are chosen any of the two course for fast, accurate, mental math. You have to understand to achieve these objective key abilities required are the focus, concentration, pattern recognition, reasoning, logic, visualization for mental function co-ordination.

So all these brain functions are easy if you are trained to use and utilize its power in a systematic and synchronized environment under the guidance of expert trainer otherwise attainment of these skills has been always a challenge.

Best way to Learn abacus Join in  Abacus training classes 
